Money Back Policy

Our Money Back Warranty

Here at Papersformoney, our highest priority is the customer’s satisfaction as we care to provide our service users with the best quality papers, which are written by professional writers that hold the highest degrees in different academic disciplines. Thus, anytime we receive a refund request from you, as a customer, it means that you are not satisfied with the resulted paper that was delivered by our team. This, for us, is sort of extreme notice that something went wrong with your order, and our support team could not provide you with a proper solution for your issue.

In such cases, our Quality Assurance Team starts an investigation and goes through every single line of the instructions and compares it with the final version of the resulted papers to understand the reason for your dissatisfaction and determined what can be improved to ensure your happiness with your next order.

What does the investigation process require from both ends?

Your end:

The only thing you need to do is to contact our customer support team via live chat or phone and share with us the difficulties you are experiencing with your order. In some cases, the comments you provide may not be quite accurate, which prolongs the investigation. Therefore, is it recommended to be as specific as you can be with the complaint to save your time and speed up the process.

Once you file a complaint and the cancellation request is received, the order is moved to Under Investigation status during the investigation process. The money for the order remains on hold, and the writer cannot upload any files.

Our end:

The quality Assurance team starts the investigation, which usually takes up to 3 business days. During this period, we do check your complaint, go through the initial requirements of the order, check your conversation with the writer, double-check the delivered papers, and carefully compare the resulted paper with your complaint.

Once the investigation is complete, our quality assurance department decides whether the refund is possible or not based on the result investigation (according to our refund policy).

Refund Policy

We have prepared a simple set of rules which we follow to process any refund request we receive from our clients. You can find those rules explained here on this page with provided examples. These rules are designed to make the refund process for you as a customer and for us as a service provider.

Before we start with the rules, it is necessary to mention that any refund case can be easily avoided just by providing accurate instructions and appropriate communication with the writer who is working on your task. This can avoid any misunderstanding that may affect the quality of the delivered papers.

How does it work?

Our Quality Assurance department goes through each single refund request and assesses it individually as each case is unique when it comes to the reasons why the request was filed. Please mind that there may be a need for a valid proof that your order is low quality (e.g., plagiarism report, a scanned copy of your professor’s feedback, etc.).

Once you request a refund, your order immediately goes “Under investigation,” and the QA department starts the investigation. After the comparing is done, the necessary actions will be taken. In case of refund because of mistakes or misunderstanding to the provided instructions, our QA Department evaluates the paper quality and refunds a sum that is equivalent to the percentage of error.

How to file a complaint?

To ensure your comfort, we provide various contact methods which you can use to complain about any unpleasant experience you face while using our services. Among those methods, you can find options like email, telephone, live chat, and message board). Our customer support team is available 24/7 and can be reached via any of these methods to provide you with the proper solution for your issue or even help you with the refund request.

Please mind. The company is obliged to consider any complaints about a specific order if the Refund Period of that specific order has ended before we receive a request from the customer via any of the mentioned contact methods.

What is Refund Period?

Here at Papersformoney, we offer our customers a 3 business days duration starting from the order deadline to request a refund. This duration is called the “Refund Period,” and if you have any complaints about resulted papers, you can contact us within this period.

When can I get a full refund?

1. In case we could not find a writer for your order (no writer assigned). As a customer, you have the right to cancel the order and get a 100% refund before we find a writer who can work on your order or within 15 minutes duration after the order is created.

2. If the payment for any reason was sent more than one time for the same order. We refund any extra payments was accidentally sent after your confirmation (Including a bank statement showing the additional charges would make the process faster)

Please note. If you place several matching orders and paid for all of them, as a service provider, we will consider that you need all the created orders. Therefore, if an order was placed and paid for by mistake, please get in touch with our support team immediately to settle the issue.

3. If, for any reason, the writer delivered the papers after the specified deadline, and you do not need them anymore, you may request a 100% refund (unless you download the papers). In such cases, the paper belongs to our company, and you cannot use it anyhow. Our company reserves the right to use the paper and publish it online after you receive your refund.

4. In case the plagiarism level of the delivered papers exceeds 10% in a plagiarism report by any trustworthy plagiarism check system like Turnitin. You will receive your money back if there are still funds in the account of the writer.

When can I get a partial refund?

1. You can get up to 70% of the order value of the paper that is not satisfactory ( this depends on the number of mistakes made by the assigned writer).

Please mind. This case is only eligible if the writer missed some of the initial instructions or made mistakes.

2. You can get up to a 70% refund if the writer failed to deliver the papers on time, but you still need the paper. In this case, we move the deadline to the nearest time possible, recalculate the price difference, and refund you the extra amount.

3. If the quality of the resulted paper is not satisfying to you as a customer, you may get up to a 70% refund. The estimation is done by our QA department depending on the number of mistakes done by the writer.

4. You can receive up to 70% if the assigned writer did not follow the instructions fully, but some parts of the paper can still be used.

5. In case the writer missed the initial deadline but you downloaded the papers, you can get up to a 70% refund.

6. If you cancel the “in progress” order before half the deadline duration passes, you can get up to a 70% refund.

7. In case you cancel an order while it is still “in progress” state but already more than half of the specified deadline period has passed, you can only get up to a 50% refund.

No Refund Cases

1. If you as a customer accept the delivered papers by releasing the funds to the writer.

2. In case we deliver the papers on time, and you failed to download and check the papers within the refund period

3. In case you request a refund because of a low mark, we cannot approve such a request as we never claimed to guarantee a specific grade

4. If you anyhow got caught using our service by submitting or showing our delivered papers to your professor or teacher.

5. If you request a refund with plagiarism as a reason but do not provide a valid plagiarism report. We accept reports that are issued by reliable plagiarism checkers only. (Turnitin report)

6. In case you complain about the delivered paper without providing any detailed reason.

7. In case the order is delayed because you did not provide the needed materials or information on time and we could not reach you through the contacts you provided. In such a case, you shall not submit a request a based on the delay.

Please note. It is necessary to provide us with valid contact information, like your phone number and email address, for us to be able to reach you in case of an emergency.

8. If the order type is a math problem or any other subject that requires solving problems, calculations, multiple choice questions, you cannot request a refund because using any of the provided answers is considered as accepting the papers.

Please mind. In case you receive an order with more than 50% incorrect answers to Multiple choice questions, you may request a partial refund, but you will need to share with us some proof of the score. The refund amount is estimated by our QA department.